I am dependent on technology very much. If I live without technology, it would like fish live without water. Consequently, I use technology everyday. Personal computer and portable music player are used daily in my life. PC is absolutely necessary to me. I often use it to access Blackboard and download my homework assignments. Then I do my assignments on my computer, and print them out with printer. Furthermore, I often use computer to check email and search information and reference on Internet. Computer is necessary to me, but portable music player isn’t essential to me. I used to listen to music with the portable music player when I was on bus or train. When I heard headphones can damage people’s hearing, I stopped listening music with it. Now, I put my portable music player somewhere in my bedroom and never use it. It becomes inessential and luxury to me. Generally, some technology is inessential to us, but some technology is absolutely necessary to us, we can’t live without it. For example, if my computer is removed, I can’t do my homework assignments and can’t check email. Furthermore, I can’t get the up-to-date information because I often watch news on Chicago Tribune’s website; consequently, I will get lost in the digital century if I don’t have computer. In addition, I will be out-of-date because Internet mirrors and influences popular culture. Overall, technology is a benefit in my life.
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