It’s was one year ago when I just arrived U.S, every time I take a train go to HWC for my ESL classes and I always saw some people in the train with the Ipod.. Then I started to think whether I should buy one Ipod like them or not by my curiousness. So, now I know how is the interesting of Ipod because I have one.
In some way, I can say: in my daily life there are some technologies that I depend on and also need them a lot such as my alarm clock, cell phone, computer, Internet, microwave, rice cooker and television. I do not have enough courage to imagine how is difficult and for one day if do not have or lost those kind of that technologies. As I feel that technology; they are one of the parts of my daily life. Example, alarm clock helps me to be on time everyday for school, the cell phone helps me for some emergency cases that need to be informed, Internet helps me for homework, and microwave makes my stomach happy.
I know that if without those kind of that technology; I can still survive and still live. But my daily life could be more a bit difficult and uncomfortable in the way that they are. Such as I still have to go to school on time everyday even without the alarm clock; but it would be difficult for me to wake up without the alarm clock. For some high and luxury technology like plasma TV, digital 3D game, digital camera…most of people love and wish to have that as their value and high quality technology would make our needs up grade to better quality and more comfortable with good enjoyment; if I have much more money then I love to buy and have that. I think the technological telecom will be developed a lot more next and in future. Every technology has its own advantage or disadvantage or its own good benefit or bad value; just if human can know how to use or and take a good advantage of technology that absolutely help and make our human life better and more comfortable.
In addition, the technology also connects and influences not only to our daily life
but also a lot to pop culture such as the I pod’s trend spread out from nation U.S to all over the world by young generation’s mode, or Sony PlayStaion Game I/II /III make over
and over people from kids till adult attracted and crazy by some games are based on some true famous Icon Pop Culture as super stars, singers or pop events…etc.
In some way, I can say: in my daily life there are some technologies that I depend on and also need them a lot such as my alarm clock, cell phone, computer, Internet, microwave, rice cooker and television. I do not have enough courage to imagine how is difficult and for one day if do not have or lost those kind of that technologies. As I feel that technology; they are one of the parts of my daily life. Example, alarm clock helps me to be on time everyday for school, the cell phone helps me for some emergency cases that need to be informed, Internet helps me for homework, and microwave makes my stomach happy.
I know that if without those kind of that technology; I can still survive and still live. But my daily life could be more a bit difficult and uncomfortable in the way that they are. Such as I still have to go to school on time everyday even without the alarm clock; but it would be difficult for me to wake up without the alarm clock. For some high and luxury technology like plasma TV, digital 3D game, digital camera…most of people love and wish to have that as their value and high quality technology would make our needs up grade to better quality and more comfortable with good enjoyment; if I have much more money then I love to buy and have that. I think the technological telecom will be developed a lot more next and in future. Every technology has its own advantage or disadvantage or its own good benefit or bad value; just if human can know how to use or and take a good advantage of technology that absolutely help and make our human life better and more comfortable.
In addition, the technology also connects and influences not only to our daily life
but also a lot to pop culture such as the I pod’s trend spread out from nation U.S to all over the world by young generation’s mode, or Sony PlayStaion Game I/II /III make over
and over people from kids till adult attracted and crazy by some games are based on some true famous Icon Pop Culture as super stars, singers or pop events…etc.
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