Saruul Ganzorig
Reflection 5 Technology
Reflection 5 Technology
Technology is really important in my life. Because as I am student I use technology everyday for my school. Now in time for students luxuries not luxury anymore its what we need in our life and school. I use computer everyday to go to blackboard page to do my homework’s. Teacher gives to the student assignments to record something then we need recorded and if we write an essay then we need printer to print it out. When i come to school I ride CTA train everyday. I need technology to see what time it is so i don’t have to late for anything, and I use ipod everyday when I’m riding a train, because its really long hour to come to school. Computer, train, watches and ipod are necessary for me and for luxuries are cell phone, car, and laundry. It will be really difficult for me if computer and train aren’t exist in the world. But I will figure out something because if we don’t have those then teachers will give us different types of homework. To me computer will control over the earth, because it’s so powerful and if u need to shop or order, look up direction or something computer can do it for you and you don’t have to do anything just sit and watch. Technology really benefits my life a lot helping me all way, transportation and other info’s. Technology in pop culture bridging gap of rich and poors. These days between high-tech and pop culture. I can speak best about it in terms of music, where I've seen the tools of major recording studios filter down into the hands of anybody who can afford it, including such technology as digital recording, musical loops.
I am agree with you.
We use many technology for our homework everyday.
I agree with you. It is simple the people cannot live without technology. Everything we do we need the computer or another types of technology.
I agree!We need technology but if you didn't have it i'm sure that people could figure something else to survive..!
I am agree with you.
I also use many technology every day-such as using PC to access Blackboard and do homework assignment.
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